
Исследования в инновационном менеджменте
Курс по выбору
00.00.00. Аспирантура
Кто читает:
Департамент менеджмента
Когда читается:
2-й курс, 1 семестр
Формат изучения:
без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории:
для всех кампусов НИУ ВШЭ
Молодчик Мария Анатольевна
Course Syllabus
This course introduces key concepts and fundamental questions in the scholarly study of innovation, which are relevant for the graduate students with interest in the innovation field per se as well as for those with innovation as a setting in which to study other issues. Considering that innovation happens to be an extremely broad term of interest to many scholarly communities and disciplines (e.g., engineering, management, sociology, economics), we will focus on the innovation literature that engages with management, particularly from a strategy perspective. The course allows the students to explore important, contemporary issues about strategy and innovation in organizational contexts from a variety of theoretical and methodological perspectives. Special focus will be devoted to measuring in innovation management research field.
Learning Objectives
- The cource aims at introducing key concepts and fundamental questions in the scholarly study of innovation and at developing skills to elaborate research proposal in innovation management studies
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Develop a mental model of the innovation studies management field
- Show a deep, nuanced understanding of the key concepts and theories of innovation studies
- Critically analyze and reviews academic studies of innovation
- Develop new ideas and approaches advancing innovation studies
- Communicate new scholarly ideas verbally and in written form
Course Contents
- Introduction: Innovation as a field of management studies
- Topic 1: Absorptive and desorptive capacity
- Topic 2: Balancing between exploration and exploitation
- Topic 3: Leadership and proactive behaviour of employees
- Topic 4: Industry dynamics and innovation
- Topic 5: Triple helix model of innovation
- Research proposal presentation
Assessment Elements
- Доклад по статьеДоклад по базовой и эмпирической статье в рамках выбранной тематике
- Расчетная работа
- Защита Research ProposalThe detailed research paper proposal should review and synthesizes the research literature. This proposal should focus on a viable research topic preferably centred in your own area of interest (strategy, international business, entrepreneurship, innovation, organization theory, human resources, etc.), dealing with issues related to innovation studies. The ultimate proposed study can take any form (e.g., conventional qualitative/quantitative empirical paper, meta-analysis, theory development, systematic literature review, practitioner paper). The proposal should contain: (a) formulation and justification of the research problem; (b) clear evidence of the gaps in the literature; (c) specific research questions, why these are interesting and novel; (d) the primary prior literature that serves as the audience for the proposed study; (e) [if possible/applicable]: preliminary hypotheses or propositions; (f) planned methodological approach (as detailed as possible); (g) [if possible/applicable]: preliminary results. Particular attention should go to descriptive statistics and correlations between studied constructs. Scatterplots and distribution charts are also appropriate. Please be very cautious with estimating regression models until the hypotheses are fully formulated. There is no set length for the proposal, but 7 to 10 pages (double-spaced) should be sufficient. Students should talk with the professor prior to working on the proposal to discuss viable directions and topics. You will also present and discuss your proposals in the class. You will have two grades for the written form of Research proposal and for the oral presentation.
- ДокладThis assignment will be assessed according to the following rules. Maximum points are in brackets, the assignment final grade will be transformed to the 10-point scale (rounded arithmetically). 1. The presentation is submitted one day before the class. (1) 2. The presentation contains theoretical view and argument development, research question(s), method, findings, meaning and significance of the contributions, shortcomings/opportunities for further studies, implications (if applicable). (10) 3. The presenter speaks fluently and answer the questions from the audience. (10) 4. The presenter organizes interactive work and discussion. (10) 5. Classmates’ evaluation of your presentation. (10)
Interim Assessment
- 2024/2025 1st semester0.2 * Доклад + 0.2 * Доклад по статье + 0.4 * Защита Research Proposal + 0.2 * Расчетная работа
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Adams, R., Bessant, J., & Phelps, R. (2006). Innovation management measurement: A review. International Journal of Management Reviews, 8(1), 21–47. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2370.2006.00119.x
- Dodgson, M. (2018). Innovation Management : A Research Overview. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1622853
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Dodgson, M. The Oxford Handbook of Innovation Management [Электронный ресурс] / M.Dodgson, D.M.Gann, N.Phillips, eds.; БД oxfordhandbooks. - Oxford University Press; 2014– Режим доступа: http://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199694945.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780199694945 – Загл. с экрана.