
Правовые аспекты медиа
Кто читает:
Институт медиа
Когда читается:
1 модуль
Охват аудитории:
для всех кампусов НИУ ВШЭ
Павленко Валентина Юрьевна
Course Syllabus
This is not a typical Law or Media Law course. It will not cover Roman and Napoleonic law or delve into the intricacies of a legal process in a court of law. Instead, it has been specifically developed for the students of Modern Journalism programme to be practical rather than academic. Its purpose is basically to give the students general idea of the legal aspects of media as seen from a journalist’s perspective and provide them with a sort of a practical manual to approach different situations that a journalist or media manager may come across. It also covers in more detail aspects and practical applications of Russian media law.Due to the unique nature of this course, it was divided into two parts. Part 1 involves the entire class and will be taught in English. Part 2 covering aspects of Russian media law will be taught in Russian, and it’s mandatory only for the students for whom this language is native (fluent command of Russian is required).
Learning Objectives
- To develop an understanding of the key areas where law governs media.
- To form a realistic approach to law in general and its application to media in particular.
- To observe the role of compliance in media regulation.
- To examine some of the key international precedents.
- To study in more depth aspects of Russian media law.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Can define the areas that are potentially legally problematic and require special attention.
- Identifies the situations and professional decisions that need to be cleared with lawyers.
- Explains the general requirements applied to a broadcaster by the trade regulators in media.
- Specifies the laws and regulations that protect journalistic activities.
- Specifies a journalist’s legal duties and obligations.
- Understanding of Russian media law.
- Analyzes the content for compliance with Russian legislation.
- Solves media law cases.
Course Contents
- General concept of media law and compliance
- Media law and regulation in Russia
- Freedom of information
- Countering extremism and terrorism in the media
- Defamation law. Protection of honor, dignity and business reputation
- Privacy and personal data protection
- Advertising regulation
- Protection of children from harmful media content
- Copyright protection
Assessment Elements
- Analysis of the media case from the legal point of view
- Collective discussion
- TestThe test includes true/false questions, multiple choice questions, short answer questions, and essay question.
- EssayEssay based on a case involving a non-Russian media outlet where NYT vs Sullivan precedent was relevant
- Attendance and involvement
Interim Assessment
- 2024/2025 1st module• For the non-Russian speakers Формула оценивания: Attendance and involvement * 0.2 + Essay * 0.8 • For the Russian-speakers Формула оценивания: Attendance and involvement * 0.1 + Essay * 0.35 + Analysis of the media case from the legal point of view * 0.15 + Collective discussion * 0.15 + Test * 0.25
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Bloy, D. (2007). Media Law. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=251184
- Право интеллектуальной собственности. Международно-правовое регулирование : учебное пособие для бакалавриата и магистратуры / И. А. Близнец [и др.] ; под редакцией И. А. Близнеца, В. А. Зимина ; ответственный редактор Г. И. Тыцкая. — Москва : Издательство Юрайт, 2019. — 252 с. — (Бакалавр и магистр. Академический курс). — ISBN 978-5-534-05063-9. — Текст : электронный // Образовательная платформа Юрайт [сайт]. — URL: https://urait.ru/bcode/438995 (дата обращения: 28.08.2023).
- Правовые основы интернет-журналистики : учебник для вузов, Рихтер, А. Г., 2014
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Privacy and the media, McStay, A., 2017
- Гусев А.Ю. - Судебная практика о применении законодательства, регулирующего вопросы защиты персональных данных. Учебно-практическое пособие - 978-5-392-29690-3 - Проспект - 2019 - http://ebs.prospekt.org/book/42159 - 42159 - PROSPECT
- Информационное право : учебник для вузов / М. А. Федотов [и др.] ; под редакцией М. А. Федотова. — 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. — Москва : Издательство Юрайт, 2023. — 868 с. — (Высшее образование). — ISBN 978-5-534-16021-5. — Текст : электронный // Образовательная платформа Юрайт [сайт]. — URL: https://urait.ru/bcode/530260 (дата обращения: 27.08.2024).
- Право интеллектуальной собственности. Международно-правовое регулирование : учебное пособие для вузов / И. А. Близнец [и др.] ; под редакцией И. А. Близнеца, В. А. Зимина, И. П. Оленичева. — 2-е изд., перераб. и доп. — Москва : Издательство Юрайт, 2023. — 284 с. — (Высшее образование). — ISBN 978-5-534-17108-2. — Текст : электронный // Образовательная платформа Юрайт [сайт]. — URL: https://urait.ru/bcode/532398 (дата обращения: 27.08.2024).