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Master 2024/2025

Competitive Intelligence

Area of studies: Management
When: 1 year, 3 module
Mode of studies: offline
Open to: students of all HSE University campuses
Master’s programme: Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation
Language: English
ECTS credits: 3

Course Syllabus


The course is delivered to master students of HSE University. The course introduces concepts and approaches to competitive intelligence/market insight as well as anticipatory systems. The course provides a solid foundation of theoretical and practical competitive intelligence strategies and processes as a way to enable both strategic and tactical decisions including innovation, Research and Development new market selection, and more. Several examples of decisions assisted by competitive intelligence for private sector, government, and non-government organizations are provided that demonstrate how open source information can be harnessed to better understand the external environment. Pre-requisites: Basics of Micro & Macroeconomics and Basics of Business Finance.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Training in using various market insight techniques for both corporate and government settings
  • Development of an appreciation for the importance of competitive intelligence and related disciplines for strategic decision-making
  • Training in early warning and profiling methodologies
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • Skills in assessing different information types and designing information collection plans
  • Understanding of the role of market insight (intelligence, foresight and analytics) for innovation
  • Understanding the organizational (including structure. Processes and cultural) requirements for competitive intelligence
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Class 1. Introduction to CI/MI
  • Class 2. Information collection
  • Classes 3 and 4. Designing CI/MI projects
  • Classes 5 and 6. Analysis
  • Class 7. Organizing for competitive intelligence
  • Class 8. The future of CI within an anticipatory system and course wrap up
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Exam
    Written exam (60 minutes multiple choice and open-ended questions exam).
  • non-blocking Individual learning log project
    Learning and insight logs are to be maintained on a nightly (class-by-class basis). The log gives you a chance to provide feedback on what you are learning in each class. Logs are to be maintained for all classes that we are together and also includes material assigned for readings What are we looking for in the log? – individual class insights as well as insights from the readings assigned. Each class’s entry should be roughly two pages per class, but it can be more. For each class provide the following: i. How your definition of CI and your thinking about it are changing. Include where you see this as being similar or different to concepts you already know about and courses you have already taken such as marketing research, strategy, environmental scanning, risk management, etc. Include examples from the readings and class discussions to back up your evolving definition and thoughts. ii. On a class-by-class basis, provide key insights you have gained in each class. Reference specific reading and the insights you have learned from each, reference insights that came from the professor and comments provided by your fellow classmates (including yourself). I expect much of the assigned material to be well represented in the log in terms of insights gained from them not simply a summary of the material. Be sure to do a write up shortly after each class while it is fresh on your mind. Each class write up should be around two pages (although it can be more). Much shorter, and it is unlikely you will be able to provide sufficient referencing and insights. Much longer than two pages and it is likely that you are summarizing. Do remember this course is about transforming data into insight and intelligence. Do not do a data dump but I do expect insights from each class and most of the assigned readings both for class and after class. If you miss a class, you are still responsible for producing a learning log for that class. In this case indicate in the log that you missed the class, but I expect you to provide in your log insights from the PowerPoints provided, discussions with your fellow classmates and from the readings themselves. While the project is due one week after class 8, you are asked to send us an interim assignment based on classes one to four. This will give you a chance to get feedback in general on the assignment so that you can learn and improve it.
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2024/2025 3rd module
    0.6 * Exam + 0.4 * Individual learning log project


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Competitive intelligence research : an investigation of trends in the literature. (2015). Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsbas&AN=edsbas.CAD9C914

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Calof, J. (2014). Evaluating the Impact and Value of Competitive Intelligence From The users Perspective - The Case of the National Research Council’s Technical Intelligence Unit. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 4(3), 79–90. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=bsu&AN=116533255
  • Calof, J., Mirabeau, L., & Richards, G. (2015). Towards an environmental awareness model integrating formal and informal mechanisms - Lessons learned from the Demise of Nortel. Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business, 5(1), 57–69. https://doi.org/10.37380/jisib.v5i1.112
  • Jonathan, C., Gregory, R., & Jack, S. (2015). Foresight, Competitive Intelligence and Business Analytics — Tools for Making Industrial Programmes More Efficient. Форсайт, 9(1 (eng)).


  • Зинченко Екатерина Андреевна
  • Maisner Dirk