Petr Panfilov
- Professor: Graduate School of Business / Department of Business Informatics
- Programme Academic Supervisor: Business Analytics and Big Data Systems
- Petr Panfilov has been at HSE University since 2014.
- Language Proficiency
- English
- German
- Contacts
- Phone:
+7 (495) 772-95-90
26247 - Address: 28/11 Shabolovka Ulitsa, Building 9, room 1212
- SPIN-RSCI: 8643-9414
- ORCID: 0000-0001-6567-6309
- ResearcherID: G-9897-2015
- Scopus AuthorID: 24765338600
- Google Scholar
- Blogs
- ResearchGate
- Supervisor
- E. Zaramenskikh
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Education, Degrees and Academic Titles
Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering, Automation and Computer Engineering
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
Postgraduate Studies
1984-1988 Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI), Specialization: 05.13.01 - Technical Cybernetics and Information Theory, Field of study: Discrete Mathematics Models and Algorithms in Parallel Processing
Professional Association Memberships
2020 – present Member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
2019 – present Member, Association for Information Systems (AIS)
2014 – present Corresponging Member, International Academy of Engineering (IAE)
2013 – present Member, Danube Adria Association for Automation & Manufacturing (DAAAM)
2011 Member, European Conference for Aerospace Sciences (EUCASS)
1993 – present Senior Member, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)
Awards and Accomplishments
Best Teacher — 2021–2022
Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Lecturers" (2017)Best Academic Supervisor in the category ‘Student Recruitment’ — 2024
Courses (2024/2025)
- Advanced Data Management (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Business Informatics; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Advanced Data Management (Mago-Lego; 3, 4 module)Eng
- Advanced Data Management (Master’s programme; Graduate School of Business field of study Business Informatics; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Distributed Computing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Software Engineering; 3 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Mentor's Seminar "Developing an Individual Educational Trajectory" (Master’s programme; Graduate School of Business field of study Business Informatics; 2 year, 1-3 module)Eng
- Mentor's Seminar "Developing an Individual Educational Trajectory" (Master’s programme; Graduate School of Business field of study Business Informatics; 1 year, 1-4 module)Eng
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- Advanced Data Management (Mago-Lego; 3, 4 module)Eng
- Advanced Data Management (Master’s programme; Graduate School of Business field of study Business Informatics; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Distributed Computing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Software Engineering; 3 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Research Seminar "Big Data: Principles and Paradigms" (Master’s programme; Graduate School of Business field of study Business Informatics; 1 year, 2, 3 module)Eng
- Research Seminar "Latest Trends in Data Governance, Big Data Analytics & Data Architecture" (Master’s programme; Graduate School of Business field of study Business Informatics; 2 year, 1-3 module)Eng
Courses (2022/2023)
- Advanced Data Management (Master’s programme; Graduate School of Business field of study Business Informatics; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Advanced Data Management (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Business Informatics; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Advanced Data Management (Mago-Lego; 3, 4 module)Eng
- Distributed Computing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Software Engineering; 3 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Research Seminar "Big Data: Principles and Paradigms" (Master’s programme; Graduate School of Business field of study Business Informatics; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Eng
Courses (2021/2022)
- Advanced Data Management (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics field of study Business Informatics; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Advanced Data Management (Master’s programme; Graduate School of Business field of study Business Informatics, field of study Business Informatics, field of study Business Informatics; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Big Data Systems Research Seminar "Big Data: Principles and Paradigms" (Master’s programme; Graduate School of Business field of study Business Informatics; 1 year, 1 module)Eng
- Distributed Computing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Software Engineering; 3 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Distributed Computing (Bachelor’s programme; Graduate School of Business field of study Business Informatics; 3 year, 4 module)Eng
Courses (2020/2021)
- Advanced Data Management (Master’s programme; Faculty of Informatics, Mathematics, and Computer Science (HSE Nizhny Novgorod) field of study Business Informatics; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Advanced Data Management (Master’s programme; Graduate School of Business field of study Business Informatics; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Advanced Data Management (Master’s programme; Faculty of Economics, Management, and Business Informatics field of study Business Informatics; 1 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Big Data Systems Research Seminar "Big Data: Principles and Paradigms" (Master’s programme; Graduate School of Business field of study Business Informatics; 1 year, 1 module)Eng
- Distributed Computing (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Computer Science field of study Software Engineering; 3 year, 3, 4 module)Eng
- Distributed Computing (Bachelor’s programme; Graduate School of Business field of study Business Informatics; 3 year, 4 module)Eng
Supervisor of the following Doctoral theses
- 1
Successful Dissertations Supervised
1. Sergey Salibekyan. Development and Analysis of Object-Attribute Architecture of Distributed Dataflow Computer System. MIEM, Moscow, Russia, May 2012.
2. Sergey Korolev. Development and Study of Methods and Algorithms of 3D Animation Data Compression for Streaming Applications in Telecommunication Systems and Computer Networks. MIEM, Moscow, Russia, November 2009.
3. Vassily Kutnenko. Development and Analysis of Interactive Multimedia and 3D Graphics Applications on the Global Networks. MIEM, Moscow, Russia, February 2005.
4. Roman Grigoriev. On Optimization of HLA-Based Distributed Interactive Simulation. MIEM, Moscow, Russia, November 2002.
5. Andrey Gromyko. Research and Development of Distributed Automation/Control Systems with Dynamically Reconfigurable Communication Medium. MIEM, Moscow, Russia, June 2002.
Current Research Support
2020 – 2022, 24 мес. Project: A research group of HSE employees (with the participation of undergraduate and graduate students) on the problem of decentralized data infrastructures in digital economy and business applications – RG «Decentralized Data». Funding Agency: NRU HSE, faculty’s own funds, earmarked primarily to support research and student initiatives as per the decision of the HSE University Academic Council, Minutes No. 16, dated December 20, 2019. Programme: HSE University Project Group Competition. Role: Principle Investigator (Group leader).
2020 – 2022, 36 мес. Project: Object-attribute architecture (OAA) - a new model of dataflow computations for large-scale Big Data and Machine Learning applications in distributed systems. Reg.No. 20-07-00958. Funding Agency: Russian foundation for basic research (RFBR). Programme: А - best basic research projects. Role: Principle investigator.
Completed Research Support
05/2011 – 07/2013 Project: Research on Algorithms for Determining Spatial Orientation of Inertial Sensors: the Development of a Prototype Motion Capture System. (SME VPK-21, Ltd.) Reg. № 01201165287. Funding Agency: Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises in Scientific and Technical Sphere (FASIE), Russia. Programme: START (state support of small innovative enterprises). Role: Principal Investigator (PI).
11/2011 – 12/2012 Project: Research and Development of the Computer Architecture and Programming Environment for Advanced Supercomputer System Based on Dynamic Dataflow Computing Model. Reg. № 01201059744. Funding Agency: Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, Russia. Role: PI.
03/2010 – 09/2011 Project: Research on Advanced Multi- and Many-Core Microprocessor Architectures and Hierarchical Shared Memory Systems on the Basis of Development of Cycle Accurate Simulation Complex with Subsystem for Interactive Visualization of the Simulation Data. Reg. № 01201059744. Funding Agency: Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, Russia. Role: Co-PI (with Dmitry Ponomarev, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Binghamton University, USA).
07/2009 – 06/2011 Project: CAST – Comparative Assessment of Security-Centered Training Curricula for First Responders on Disaster Management in the EU. Grant Agreement № 218070. Funding Agency: European Commission (DG Energy & Industry) and The Austrian Federal Ministry for Science and Research (BMWF). Programme: 7th FWP, SPF: FP7-SECURITY SEC-2007-6.2-01. Role: Investigator (with DSTS-Advisers to Executives, Baden, Austria).
06/2011 Project: The Science and Best Practice of Visualizations and User Interactions. Reg. № 11-07-92836. Funding Agency: Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), Russia and Austrian Science Foundation (FWF), Austria. Programme: Joint Russian-Austrian Seminars. Role: PI-Organizer.
01/2009 – 12/2011 Project: Modeling 3D nano-Circuitry. Reg. № 6208. Funding Agency: Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, Programme by Federal Agency of Education (Rosobr), Russia. Role: Investigator.
01/2009 – 12/2010 Project: Distributed Virtual Technopark Development on the Basis of Russian Higher Education Institutions. Reg. № 5952. Funding Agency: Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation, Programme by Federal Agency of Education (Rosobr), Russia. Role: Investigator.
10/2009 Project: Visual Computing in Fundamental, Academic and Applied Science and Research. Reg. № 09-07-92660. Funding Agency: Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), Russia and Austrian Science Foundation (FWF), Austria. Programme: Joint Russian-Austrian Seminars. Role: PI-Organizer.
11/2008 Project: An Analysis, Processing and Representation of Multi-Dimensional Spatially Distributed Data. Reg. № 08-07-92674. Funding Agency: Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR), Russia and Austrian Science Foundation (FWF), Austria. Programme: Joint Russian-Austrian Seminars. Role: PI-Organizer.
Intellectual Property: Activities and Results (patents, copyrights)
1. Vabischevich, A.N., Voskov, L.S., Efremov, S.G., Komarov, M.M., Panfilov, P.B. Motion Capture System. Russian Federation Utility Model Patent № RU 121947 U1, VPK-21 Ltd., 10.11.2012 (Application № 2012124315/08, 14.06.2012). Bulletin № 31, ROSPATENT, 2012.
2. Salibekyan, S.M., Panfilov, P.B., Orlov, I.A. Programming and Simulation Environment for the Object-Attribute Dataflow Supercomputer System. Russian Federation Software Copyright № 2012616155, 5.07.2012 г., MIEM, ROSPATENT, 2012.
3. Baranov, A.N., Panfilov, P.B., Ponomarev, D.V. Visualization of Energy Consumption Simulation Data in Processor for the Supercomputer System. Russian Federation Software Copyright № 2012612150, 24.02.2012, MIEM, ROSPATENT, 2012.
4. Vabischevich, A.N., Panfilov, P.B., et al. Motion Capture System based on Wireless Sensor Network and Inertial Sensors. Russian Federation Software Copyright № 2011612426, 23.03.2011, VPK-21 Ltd., ROSPATENT, 2011.
5. Salibekyan, S.M., Panfilov, P.B. The Environment for Creation and Run of Object-Attribute Images. Russian Federation Software Copyright № 2011617079, 12.09.2011., Salibekyan, S.M., ROSPATENT, 2011.
6. Evtyushkin, D.G., Panfilov, P.B., Ponomarev, D.V. Visual Analysis of the Processor Cache-Memory Performance (CacheVisor). Russian Federation Software Copyright 2011619157, 25.11.2011, MIEM, ROSPATENT, 2011.
7. Baranov, A.N., Panfilov, P.B., Ponomarev, D.V. Visualization of Energy Consumption and Heat Dissipation Simulation Data in Processor Units (PowerVisor). Russian Federation Software Copyright № 2011619158, 25.11.2011, MIEM, ROSPATENT, 2011.
Other Scholarly Activities & Services
2014 Coordinator (Information and Communication Technologies), DAAAM International Vienna (DAAAM), Vienna, Austria.
2014 Member of Organizing and Program Committees, and Senior Chairperson, 25th DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation, Austrian Society of Engineers and Architects (ÖIAV – 1848), Vienna, Austria, November 26-29, 2014.
11/2014 Invited Professor, 3rd DAAAM International Doctoral School, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, November 23-30, 2014.
10/2013 Invited Professor, 2nd DAAAM International Doctoral (Summer) School, University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia, October 25, 2013.
02/2011 Guest Speaker, Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar (Carnegie Mellon Qatar), Interactive Simulation in Aerospace Applications. Talk for the Computer Science Seminar Series, Doha, Qatar, February 21, 2011.
11/2011 Co-Organizer, Flight Simulation and Aircraft Crew Training Symposium, TSAGI, Zhukovsky and RF CCI, Moscow, Russia, November 14-15, 2011.
06/2011 Co-Organizer, General Co-Chair, The Science and Best Practice of Visualizations and User Interactions, Bilateral Scientific Seminar, Vienna, Austria, June 6-10, 2011.
10/2009 Co-Organizer, Member of Organizing Committee, Visual Computing in Fundamental, Academic and Applied Science and Research, Bilateral Scientific Seminar, Moscow, Russia, October 19-23, 2009.
11/2008 Co-Organizer, Publication Chair, An Analysis, Processing and Representation of Multi-Dimensional Spatially Distributed Data, Bilateral Scientific Seminar, Vienna, Austria, November 24-28, 2008.
2010 – present External expert for the European Research Council (ERC) of Horizon 2020, Education, Audio Visual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) programmes and Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) programme. Candidature No: EX2006C161861
2000 – present Visiting Research Scholar with T.J.Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science (Watson School) at SUNY at Binghamton (Binghamton University) to study the Virtual Environment Technology Application to Simulation-Based Training and to prepare Project Proposal on Simulator-Guided Telerobotic Surgery for submission to NIH (2003, 2004).
01/1998 Guest Speaker, SUNY at Binghamton (Binghamton University), Russian Profile of Real-Time Simulation. Presentation&demonstration at 1998 Annual Flight and Ground Vehicle Simulation Update short course, Binghamton, NY, January, 1998.
Employment history
Academic Positions Held
09/2020 – present Professor in the Department of Business Informatics, Graduate School of Business, National Research University – Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow, Russia. Teaches graduate Advanced Data Management course, Master's programme in Business Analytics and Big Data Systems, GSB; undergraduate Distributed Computing course, Bachelor's programme in Software Engineering, FCS.
09/2014 – 08/2020 Professor in the Department of Innovation and Business in Information Technologies, School of Business informatics, Faculty of Business and Management, National Research University – Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow, Russia. Taught graduate Data Visualization course, Master's programme in Big Data Systems, FBM.
02/2014 – 06/2015 Professor in the Department of Information Systems Management, University of Applied Sciences TECHNIKUM Wien (UAS Technikum Wien), Vienna, Austria. Taught graduate Data Mining course.
03/1993 – 06/2012 Docent (Assoc.Prof.), Professor in the Department of Computer Systems and Networks, Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (Technical University) (MIEM), Moscow, Russia. Taught undergraduate and graduate computer engineering courses. Supervised 5 successful PhD dissertations. Supervised undergraduate and graduate theses (over 30 successful degree works). Conducted research in visual computing, real-time computing/simulation systems, high-performance and distributed computer systems, visual computing applications to aerospace, medical, and other needs.
02/2005 – 08/2008 Doçent (Assoc. Prof.) in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at T.C. Yeditepe University (Yeditepe University), Istanbul, Turkey. Established, set up and lead a VR Laboratory (VR Lab) in the CSE Department. Taught undergraduate and graduate computer engineering courses. Supervised engineering projects (undergraduate degree works) and graduate theses.
10/1999 – 12/2006 Visiting Professor in the Information Technology Degree Program at EVTEK University of Applied Sciences (now Helsinki Metropolia UAS), Espoo, Finland. Taught undergraduate information technology program courses (Interactive Visualization and Virtual Reality, Artificial Neural Networks).
01/2002 – 06/2003 Adjunct Professor in the Department of Computer Science and in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at SUNY at Binghamton (Binghamton University), Binghamton, NY, USA. Taught graduate computer engineering and computer science courses (Real-Time Systems, Mathematics in Computer Engineering, Real-Time Computing and Communication). Conducted research on the Virtual Environment Technology Application to Simulation-Based Training.
09/1998 – 10/1999 Senior Research Scientist at the MIEM Research Institute of Microelectronics and Information Measurement Engineering (NII MEIIT), Moscow, Russia. Lead the software development team in Virtual Reality application development projects. Consulted government agencies on real-time computing/simulation technologies and products.
03/1993 – 06/1996 Docent (Assoc. Prof.), part time, in the Department of Computing Machines at Moscow State University of Mining (MGGU), Moscow, Russia. Taught undergraduate and graduate computer engineering courses. Supervised graduate theses.
11/1980 – 05/1981 Senior technician, in the Department of Electrical Machines and Electromechanical Means of Automation at Moscow Institute of Electronic Machine-Building (MIEM), Moscow, Russia. R&D work in electromechanical CAD systems.
Industry Experience
09/1997 – 08/1998 Software engineer of real-time simulation systems at Binghamton Simulator Company (BSC), Binghamton, NY, USA. Development of real-time simulation software to be used in general aviation aircraft simulators.
07/1994 – 08/1997 Head of VR R&D Group at Simulator Center Limited (SC), Moscow, Russia. Project manager for the Company VR efforts. Established, set up and ran VR facility in SC’s HQ in Moscow and lead the VR simulator project at Yuri Gagarin Cosmonauts Training Center (GCTC) on a ‘virtual environment’ workstation development for the use in cosmonaut pre-simulator familiarization training on space station intra-vehicular activity (IVA).
04/1985 – 08/1998 Senior Engineer, Lead Engineer, Lead Software Engineer at Moscow Experimental Design Bureau the MARS (MOKB MARS), Russia. Extensive involvement with improving the fidelity of digital aerospace flight control systems through the application of real-time simulation technology.
12/1982 – 03/1985 Engineer at Moscow Institute of Electromechanics and Automatics (MIEA), Russia. Developed software for aerospace real-time simulation application projects.
Consulting Experience
12/2011 – 06/2016 Consultant, Trade Representation of Russian Federation in the Republic of Austria, Vienna, Austria. Established and lead the Center for Support of Innovations at Russian Trade Representation in Austria. Consulted Russian government agencies, companies, universities and research institutes on innovation cooperation with Austrian and European partners.
06/2011 – 12/2011 Expert on simulation technology, CS TS Dinamika, Zhukovsky, Russia
2001 – 2010 Scientific Director of Real-Time and Interactive Media Systems, Vimkom Group of Companies, Moscow, Russia
1999 – 2001 Research Associate, State Research Institute of Aviation Systems (GosNIIAS), Moscow, Russia
1998 Ground Vehicle Simulation Expertise, Moscow City Government, Department of Transport and Communication, Moscow, Russia
Representatives of School of business informatics have taken part in the 29th DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation
For a number of years the School of business informatics participates in the autumn activities of the Danube-Adria Association for Automation and Manufacturing which are held under umbrella of annual DAAAM Week event on the basis of the oldest European higher education institutions such as Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Austria, and the University of Zadar, Croatia.