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+7 (495) 772-95-90
Address: 26 Shabolovka Ulitsa, Building 1, room 1122
SPIN-RSCI: 6682-2205
ORCID: 0000-0001-9648-4211
ResearcherID: P-3204-2016
Google Scholar
S. Kushch
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Nataliya Alyamovskaya

    • Nataliya Alyamovskaya has been at HSE University since 2016.
    Language Proficiency
    +7 (495) 772-95-90
    Address: 26 Shabolovka Ulitsa, Building 1, room 1122
    SPIN-RSCI: 6682-2205
    ORCID: 0000-0001-9648-4211
    ResearcherID: P-3204-2016
    Google Scholar
    S. Kushch
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    Master's in Management
    HSE University
    Bachelor's in Management
    HSE University

    Continuing education / Professional retraining / Internships / Study abroad experience

    - Advanced Training Programme "Basic concepts of artificial intelligence and its application to solving problems within the speciality (basic level)" (NRU HSE, 2024)

    - Advanced Training Programme "Artificial Intelligence and Customer Centricity", "Sberbank Corporate University" (2024)

    - Advanced Training Programme "School of course project supervisors of degree programmes" (NRU HSE, 2024)

    - Additional Education Programme "Motivational Design", School of Education, Universal University (introduction to the approach to studying motivational design, trends in motivation research and problem-solving tools, research design and feedback collection, text data analysis method, final project implementation) (2024)

    - LXD Hero's Story Workshop course (creating story concepts and characters for educational products, selecting story types and designing storylines) (2023)

    - Teaching Excellence Centre of SPBU Graduate School of Management programme "Fundamentals of Teaching Excellence for Higher Education and Corporate Universities" (2023)

    - Professional Development Programme "Modern approaches in teaching and learning" (2022)

    - SPBU Graduate School of Management Summer School "Designing Modern Teaching Methodology" (2022)

    - Course "Sustainability. From Words to Action. A course for climate optimists" (2021) (climate psychology and climate communication, international situation and Russia's role in sustainable development, corporate sustainability: main concepts in the world of sustainable development, analysis of activities, working with the goals of sustainable development and building a strategy of sustainable development of a company)

    - Professional Development Programme "Fundamentals of Teaching Digital Literacy" (2021)

    - Coursera specialisation 'Presentation Skills: Speechwriting, Slides and Delivery' (4 courses on presentation structure, storytelling, presentation design and public speaking) (2020)

    - Online course "Reverse Logistics Management and Sustainability" from Operational Excellence Training and Udemy (2020)

    - Level Presentation Design Course (2020)

    - Professional Development Programme "Presenting Information and Data. Creating presentations" (2019)

    - Public speaking course "The Art of Speaking" (Odeon) (2019)

    - Masterclass in the basics of acting and storytelling (Odeon) (2019)

    - Design Power online course from SP Lab (2019)

    - Online course (advanced level) "Cool Slides Templates" from Bonnie & Slide Presentation Academy (2019)

    Awards and Accomplishments

      • Winner of the "Fund for Educational Innovation" competition in the open nomination (autumn 2024). Reflections constructor to improve students' educational experience
      • Acknowledgement of the Competition of Innovations in Education KIVO 2024 for participation in review of paticipants' works. Acknoledgement (PDF, 576 Кб)
      • Winner of the "Fund for Educational Innovation" competition in the category ‘Teaching course and artificial intelligence technologies’ (autumn 2023). Analysing the use of artificial intelligence (gpt models) in students' project activities in the course ‘Digital Literacy’
      • Winner of the "Fund for Educational Innovation" contest in the open nomination (spring 2023). Adaptation of the world cafe format for more efficient pairings
      • Winner of the "Fund for Educational Innovation" contest in the nomination "Original solutions for the development of knowledge acquired by students in Data Culture courses in the framework of educational programmes" (autumn 2022). Bank of additional assignments allowing to get internal currency of the course
      • Winner of the "Fund for Educational Innovation" contest in the nomination "Original solutions in carrying out control/evaluation activities, including the use of digital tools" (spring 2022). Using Peer review methodology to organise a student competition
      • Winner of the " Fund for Educational Innovation" contest in the open nomination (autumn 2021). Business game "Order Fulfilment" (with M.I. Rozhkov).
    • Best Teacher — 2023–2024, 2020–2021