HSE University has maintained its leading position in the ranking compiled by the Russian Council for International Affairs. The ranking evaluated the websites of 65 Russian universities. HSE was awarded 104 points out of 108, increasing its position by 11 points on last year. HSE's closest rival ranked a further 17 points behind, which is a larger gap than previously.
June 07, 2018
A conference and hackathon was organized by the MSU Business Incubator and QIWI group, focusing on technologies and products that change traditional business models and leave unnecessary mediators behind.
June 06, 2016
Students of HSE Faculty of Computer Science won the first Russian Hackathon by AccorHotels and got the opportunity to finalize their project together with experts from the international accelerator NUMA Moscow and then present it to the company’s higher management in Paris.
May 20, 2016
On May 13th-14th 2016, the final round of the hackathon on cloud design was held at Stroganov Moscow State University of Arts and Industry. The event was organized by Autodesk – who also provided the participants with cloud services and whose specialists provided consultations to the students during the competition.
May 18, 2016
Elena Shakina, Head of the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy defended her PhD dissertation at the University of Vigo in Spain.
May 17, 2016
HSE has become the recipient of one of the most prestigious Russian IT awards in the ‘Educational Institutions’ category.
April 22, 2016
Henry Penikas, Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Economics, has been chosen to become a member of PRMIA Steering Committee.
February 05, 2016
The book ‘Wandering Workers. Mores, Behavior, Way of Life, and Political Status of Domestic Russian Labor Migrants’ has been nominated for the Distinguished Scholarly Monograph Award in the American Sociological Association’s Section on Labor and Labor Movements .
January 28, 2016
Maria Severina, third-year student of ICEF bachelor’s programme was granted the title ‘Master of Sports’ in chess (a degree in Russian sporting awards scale).
December 18, 2015
72 master’s and 22 PhD students at HSE have won scholarships from the Oxford Russia Fund. Those studying in Moscow from Sept 2015 - June 2016 will receive 10,000 roubles while students at the Perm, St Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod campuses will receive 6,000 roubles each.
December 09, 2015
Mega Hackathon took place in seven cities all over Russia – Moscow, Kazan, Perm, Tomsk, Petrozavodsk, Ivanovo, and Yaroslavl. A five-person team of students from the Faculty of Business Informatics took home the top prize at the event in Perm.
November 20, 2015
Second year master’s student in Media Management at HSE Arslan Khasavov has been appointed to the jury of the All-Russian Student Booker — the junior version of the Russian Booker prize.
October 29, 2015