In February-March 2014, the HSE launched six new international laboratories following a tender of three-year projects under the supervision of leading international researchers. One of the projects is the Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications. The HSE News Service keeps on interviewing new staff members of the laboratory. This time Alexander Veretennikov, Leading Research Fellow at the Laboratory of Stochastic Analysis and its Applications, agreed to tell us about his work and plans at the HSE as well as about his hobbies.
August 14, 2014
HSE’s first Summer University has come to an end. Some 40 students from an array of countries, ranging from Brazil and the U.S. to South Korea and China, took part in the University.
August 13, 2014
HSE’s student summer camp in Ruza, Moscow region, has ended. The two sessions lasted a total of one month and saw the participation of around 350 people. The camp did not separate participants into special groups, and there were no required activities. Members of the camp were in charge of deciding for themselves how to relax and spend their time. They thought up activities and invited their friends to participate in them. Let’s recall what they did.
August 11, 2014
It’s no secret that humanities and engineering disciplines have been kept strictly separate in the past and continue to be so. But some researchers are doing their best to change the situation. One of them is Kenneth Knoespel, a friend of Daniil Alexandrov Deputy Director of the HSE St. Petersburg and Head of the Research Laboratory of Sociology in Education and Science.
August 11, 2014
In summer 2014 students from the HSE Faculty of History went for a sightseeing excursion around the town of Novaya Ladoga during their archeological training. They shared their impressions with the HSE news service.
August 06, 2014
An article by Andrei Melville, Denis Stukal and Mikhail Mironyuk ‘King of the Mountain’, or Why Postcommunist Autocracies Have Bad Institutions’ was published in the U.S. journal 'Russian Politics and Law'.
August 06, 2014
The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has approved an application to create a long-term associate professorship at the HSE Faculty of History in St. Petersburg. Dr. Dietmar Wulff will hold this position.
July 30, 2014
The July issue of The HSE LooK is the final one for the academic year 2013-2014. So the editors dedicated it to the topic of constructive communication. They talked to several generations of international faculty at HSE to find out what this year was like for them.
July 29, 2014
From August 9-24, a team of members from the Extreme Sports Club will head to the Sayan Mountains where participants will go rafting on one of the local rivers’ most challenging routes. The best competitors will be eligible to be invited to international competitions, in particular an annual water sports festival in Southeast Asia.
July 23, 2014
Marharyta Fabrykant, Associate Researcher at the HSE Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LSCR), who studies nationalist views of justice, recently returned following a four-month internship at Columbia University (New York, USA). She spoke with us about her internship.
July 22, 2014
From July 7−18, 2014, a seminar called ‘Russia and Global Food Security’ took place as part of the HSE Summer University.
July 18, 2014
Dr. Eren Arbatli, Assistant Professor at the Department of Theoretical Economics, joined the HSE after finishing a PhD programme at Brown University (USA) in 2013. Eren's spouse and co-author, Dr. Ekim Arbatli, is Assistant Professor at HSE's Faculty of Politics. The HSE LooK spoke to Dr. Arbatli about his current and planned research.
July 17, 2014