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Российско-Бразильская конференция по логическому плюрализму памяти Ньютона да Косты

Мероприятие завершено

5 и 6 ноября в Международной лаборатории логики, лингвиcтики и формальной философии состоится Российско-Бразильская конференции по логическому плюрализму памяти Ньютона да Косты.

Конференция пройдет в очном формате в ауд. 511


  • 13:30–14:00


    Itala Loffredo D’Ottaviano, Elena Dragalina-Chernaya

  • 14:00–14:45

    Valentin Bazhanov, "Newton C.A. da Costa and his Links with Soviet/Russian Colleagues"

  • 14:45–15:30

    Ivan Mikirtumov, "Conditional necessity, praxis and criticism of action: reasoning about the ways to the future in Aristotle"

  • 15:30–16:00

    coffee break, A-121

  • 16:00–17:00

    José da Mata, "Contradiction in Hegel's logic and Hegel's semantics of negation"

  • 17:15–18:15

    Evandro Gomes, "The mirror has two faces: logical pluralism from the perspective of da Costa and Quine"

  • 18:15–19:15

    Itala Loffredo D’Ottaviano, "Horizons of Logic for the 20th Century: Russian
    contributions to non-classical logics - Ivan Orlov"


  • 13:00–14:00

    Marcelo Coniglio, “Truth-tables for Intuitionistic Propositional Logic: A new interpretation and decision procedure based on restricted non- deterministic matrices”

  • 14:15–15:00

    Evgeniy Borisov, "A logic for crossworld predication"

  • 15:00-15:45

    Dmitry Zaitsev, “Argumentative Reasoning and Relevance"

  • 15:45–16:30

    coffee break, А-516

  • 16:30–17:15

    Vladimir Vasyukov, The Universe of the Translations of Logical Systems

  • 17:15-19:00
