НИУ ВШЭ (Санкт-Петербург), старший преподаватель
Избранные публикации:
- Panarina M.A. ‘2-part compositions in J. Brodsky’s lyric’ Proceedings of students’ conference. Saint-Petersburg, 1999. P.12.
2. Panarina M.A.‘Brodsky’s stanzaic system: poetics of conflict’ Journal of Young Scientists: Humanities. #8. Saint-Petersburg, 2001. Pp. 54-64.
3. Panarina M.A. 'Specifics of the thematic development and composition in Brodsky's lyric' Fifth Tsarskoselskiye chtenija: International theoretic conference. 24-25 April 2001. vol. XI. Pp. 96-100.
- Panarina M.A. ‘Principles of thematic and stanzaic composition in Brodsky’s lyric’ Tver’ Poetika Iosifa Brodskogo: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov. Tver, 2003. Pp. 215-229.
- Panarina M.A. ‘And didn’t drink only dry water…’: motif of wine in Brodsky’s poetry’ Motif of Wine in Literature: Proceedings of scientific conference. 27-31 October, 2001. Tver’, 2001. Pp. 155-159.
- Panarina M.A. ‘Stanzaic and non-stanzaic verse: problem of classification’ Proceedings of ‘Jur’evskije chtenija’. Saint-Petersburg, 2001. P. 55-64.
- Panarina M.A. ‘Brodsky’s Petersburg: romance in verse’ Mir Russkogo Slova: Peterburgskij tekst. #1. Saint-Petersburg, 2003. Pp. 82-86.
- Panarina M.A. ‘Heterostanzaic verse and marginal forms as a problem in description of stanzaic models of Russian contemporary verse of 1960-1990s (based on poetry of Iosif Brodsky and Ivan Zhdanov)’ Literature of Postmodernism: problems of interpretation. Proceedings of international conference. 2-5 November. 2003. Severodvinsk. 2004. Pp. 264-278.
- Panarina M.A. Marginal forms as specifics of Brodsky’s poetics Iosif Brodsky: Strategii chtenija. Proceedings of international conference 2-4 Sept. 2004. Moscow 2005, pp.213-225.
- Panarina M.A. Olga Sedakova’s stanzaic repertoire. Russian Literature of XX century. Proceedings of scientific conference 11-12 November, 2004. Moscow: MGU, 2004. Pp. 112-115.
July, 2014 CELTA (BKC-International House,Moscow)
22-26.06.15 Летняя школа для преподавателей английского языка “White Nights with Andrew Walkley: Sharpening Students’ Productive Skills” (Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования (СПб АППО), «Onara», «National Geaographic Learning»)
28.02.2015 Teaching Advanced Learners (НОУ «ОЦ Интернешнл Хаус-Лингвист Воронеж»)
24-25.10.2014 Preparing for IELTS: International English Language Testing System (Cambridge English Language Assessment Exam Centre RU038 Britannia-Kavkaz, Cambridge English Exam Preparation Centre Anglo Language School (ALS))
12-14.03.2015 E-merging forum 5 (British council, Moscow),
8.04.2015 Developing Listening Skills for Exams (Санкт-Петербургская академия постдипломного педагогического образования (СПб АППО), «Onara», «National Geographic Learning»)
19.03-22.06.2015 HSE Writing Centre, ‘My First Preprint’ online course
2015 (April-May) Understanding Language: Learning and Teaching,(Futurelearn online course)
2013 Практические аспекты работы с MyGrammarLab, (Pearson Education Limited, webinar)
2013 Assessing Speaking Skills, (Pearson Education Limited, webinar)
August 2010 Saimaa University of Applied Sciences, Summer school. Courses taken: “Cross-cultural communication”, “Strategic management”
14-25.08.2006 International House London, “Current trends. Practice and theory in ELT” Certificate of attendance
July 2003, 2005 “New York Institute Summer School” program in Cognitive and Cultural Studies (Saint-Petersburg State University)
August 2001 “American Language Center” Summer school: Advanced Language Studies program