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Конфликт между беженцами и принимающей общиной по поводу ассимиляции, интеграции и дифференциации идентичности: случай рохинджа в БангладешКандидатская диссертацияУченая степень НИУ ВШЭ
Хабиб Мд Реза
Дисс. совет:
Совет по социологии
Дата защиты:
The stateless Rohingya community, with over a million people hosted by Bangladesh, is thelargest refugee community in the world. They have greatly impacted the local communities ofCox’s Bazar, causing conflicts and affecting social, economic, political, and cultural aspects ofBangladesh. The purpose of the study is to examine how Rohingya refugees in Cox's Bazarassimilate and integrate with the host society, causing disputes over access to public services andresources, identity differentiation, and social conflict. I conducted a qualitative study in Cox'sBazar's Ukhiya and Teknaf sub-districts from June to October 2021. I interviewed variousgroups, including Rohingyas, the host community, government officials, UN representatives,NGO employees, businessmen, and journalists, and used secondary sources. I find that between1978 and 2016, the Rohingya in Bangladesh informally assimilated and integrated from thebottom up. However, in 2017, a large influx led to a shift in government policy from bottom-upto partial and top-down integration that discourages formal assimilation. In addition to this, after2017, the arrival of Rohingya refugees caused population pressure and competition for resourcesin a rural society heavily reliant on land. This strain on resources leads to identity differentiationand conflicts between locals and refugees. In conclusion, I can understand that the processes ofassimilation and integration, identity differentiation, and social conflict among citizens andrefugees in the Global South countries, like Bangladesh, differ from the Global North countriesdue to the lack of resources and governance capacity.
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Диссертация [*.pdf, 3.41 Мб] (дата размещения 9.10.2024)
Резюме [*.pdf, 872.66 Кб] (дата размещения 9.10.2024)
Summary [*.pdf, 650.32 Кб] (дата размещения 9.10.2024)
Проблемы эволюции сетевых структур и распределение информации в динамических моделях популизма и конфликтовКандидатская диссертацияУченая степень НИУ ВШЭ
Акопян Заруи Рафиковна
Арбатли Джемаль Эрен, Коуловатианос Кристос
Дисс. совет:
Совет по экономике
Дата защиты:
This thesis focuses on developing tools and models for studying strategic interaction among agents in dynamics games. This dissertation consists of one pure theory paper and two applied theory papers. The first chapter develops a general result in differential games. This is an area for studying strategic interactions when agents are forward-looking and calculate their future strategic interactions. The second and third chapters deal with the problem of strategic interactions under incomplete information, in the context of networks. In the second chapter, the analytical tools for linking up strategic actions with the evolution of a network are developed. The last chapter extends the second chapter by recommending network-manager strategies that can lead to welfare-improving network evolution under incomplete information. The thesis presents the first studies to propose a search and matching mechanism of network friends in an environment of incomplete information, higher-order beliefs, and evolutionary dynamics.
Диссертация [*.pdf, 5.78 Мб] (дата размещения 19.08.2020)
Резюме [*.pdf, 277.86 Кб] (дата размещения 19.08.2020)
Summary [*.pdf, 125.38 Кб] (дата размещения 19.08.2020)