Vladlen Timorin
- Professor: Faculty of Mathematics / Joint Department with the Steklov Mathematical Institute (RAS)
- Research Fellow: Laboratory of Algebraic Geometry and Its Applications
- Distinguished Professor (2020)
- Vladlen Timorin has been at HSE University since 2009.
- Language Proficiency
- English
- Contacts
- Phone:
+7 (495) 772-95-90
12736 - Address: 6 Usacheva Ulitsa, room 332
- SPIN-RSCI: 7733-0373
- ORCID: 0000-0002-8089-7254
- ResearcherID: H-5447-2015
- Scopus AuthorID: 6507568071
- Google Scholar
- Office hours
- Wed 4:20pm - 5:40pm & Thu 2:50pm - 4:10pm, vtimorin at hse.ru
- Blogs
- ResearchGate
- Supervisor
- A. Skripchenko
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Education and Degrees
Institute for Information Transmission Problems (Kharkevich Institute) of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Thesis Title: Dynamics and Geometry of quadratic maps
University of Toronto
Thesis Title: Rectifiable families of conics
Steklov Mathematical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Lomonosov Moscow State University
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.
A post-doctoral degree called Doctor of Sciences is given to reflect second advanced research qualifications or higher doctorates in ISCED 2011.
Research interests
Geometry (convex polytopes, toric varieties, projective differential geometry, classical geometric structures), dynamics (rational functions, surgery, invariant laminations), quadratic forms
Awards and Accomplishments
Best Teacher — 2023–2024, 2021, 2011–2013
Winner of the HSE University Best Russian Research Paper Competition – 2022
Courses (2024/2025)
- Holomorphic Dynamics (Optional course (faculty); Faculty of Mathematics; 1, 2 module)Eng
- Introduction to Discrete Mathematics and Topology (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Mathematics field of study Mathematics; 1 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Introduction to Discrete Mathematics and Topology (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Mathematics field of study Mathematics; 1 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Introduction to Homotopical Topology (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Mathematics field of study Mathematics; 1 year, 4 module)Rus
- Past Courses
Courses (2023/2024)
- Introduction to Discrete Mathematics and Topology (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Mathematics field of study Mathematics, field of study Mathematics; 1 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Introduction to Homotopical Topology (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Mathematics field of study Mathematics; 1 year, 4 module)Rus
Courses (2022/2023)
- Introduction to Discrete Mathematics and Topology (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Mathematics field of study Mathematics, field of study Mathematics; 1 year, 1-3 module)Rus
- Introduction to Homotopical Topology (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Mathematics field of study Mathematics; 1 year, 4 module)Rus
- Mathematics. Licenciatus (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Mathematics field of study Mathematics, field of study Mathematics; 3 year, 4 module)Rus
Courses (2021/2022)
- Calculus (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Biology and Biotechnology field of study Biology; 1 year, 1, 2 module)Rus
Courses (2020/2021)
- Research Seminar "Geometry and Dynamics 2" (Optional course (faculty); Faculty of Mathematics; 3, 4 module)Rus
- Theory of Complex Functions (Bachelor’s programme; Faculty of Mathematics field of study Mathematics; 2 year, 3, 4 module)Rus
Editorial board membership
- 2022
Еженедельный семинар лаборатории алгебраической геометрии 2022 (Москва). Presentation: Вариации на тему неравенства Поммеренке-Левина-Йоккоза
- 2021
Dynamics in Siberia (Новосибирск). Presentation: A model for the cubic connectedness locus
- 2020
Dynamics in Siberia (Новосибирск). Presentation: Combinatorial models for spaces of dendritic polynomials
- 2019
Representation theory of Lie groups, mathematical physics, and combinatorics (Реймс). Presentation: Combinatorics of Gelfand-Zetlin polytopes
- 2018
Коллоквиум "Москва-Пиза" (Москва). Presentation: Slices of the parameter space of cubic polynomials
- 2014
Convex Bodies and Representation Theory (Банфф). Presentation: On the theory of coconvex bodies
International Conference "Attractors, Foliations and Limit Cycles" (Москва (Moscow)). Presentation: Smart criticality for cubic laminations
Еженедельный семинар Лаборатории алгебраической геометрии и ее приложений (Москва (Moscow)). Presentation: Топологические модели динамики рациональных функций
Symposium on Differential Equations and Difference Equations 2014 (SDEDE 2014) (Хомбург (Homburg)). Presentation: Combinatorial Models for Spaces of cubic polynomials
- 2013
Российско-японская зимняя школа (Москва). Presentation: The Hurwitz sums of squares formulas
Christmas meetings with Pierre Deligne, Рождественские встречи фонда «Династия» (Москва). Presentation: The number of vertices in Gelfand-Zetlin polytopes
ICTP-SISSA-Mosсow School on Geometry and Dynamics (Триест). Presentation: Курс "Polynomial Dynamics and Thurston Laminations"
Conferences (co)organized
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International Conference
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Algebra and Geometry
Mathematical Honors and Awards:
- Deligne prize 2010, http://www.mccme.ru/pdc/
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship 2000, Canada
- Moebius prize 1998, http://www.moebiuscontest.ru
Research projects and grants
- 2010 RFBR grant 10-01-00540-а Cohomology of spherical varieties and Newton polytopes (reseacher)
- 2011 RFBR grant 11-01-00654-a "One-dimensional dynamical systems and Teichmueller spaces" (principal investigator)
- 2011 grant МК-2790.2011.1 of the President (government support for junior Russian scientists having an academic degree): Topological and symbolic models for one- and two-dimensional dynamical systems (principal investigator)
- 2012 RFBR grant 12-01-33020 "Methods of complex analysis in dynamical systems" (principal investigator)
- 2013 Dynasty foundation grant (principal investigator)
- 2013 RFBR grant 13-01-12449 "Slow dynamical chaos" (researcher)
Maths on Top: HSE Enters the Top 100 in the ARWU Ranking
HSE University is the only Russian university to rank among the top 100 universities worldwide in the Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects in Mathematics. This is an impressive feat, considering that the Faculty of Mathematics has only been around since 2007. Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Government Dmitry Chernyshenko stressed that this success testifies to the correct choice of strategy and the achievements of the University team. Read on to learn what helped HSE strengthen its position in the ranking.
'Mathematics Is So Fascinating That I Never Ask Myself Whether It Will Be Useful in Life’
In an interview, Sania Pushkar, a member of the first graduating class of the Faculty of Mathematics, talks about why she loves math, what she’s up to now, and what she’ll remember most about studying in the Faculty of Mathematics at HSE University.
International Centre for Research and Teaching Opens at HSE University
The International Centre for Research and Teaching has been established at HSE University. The Centre's activities will be aimed at developing Russia's higher education system in mathematics and computer science in order to create new personnel for the digital economy.
Springer Nature, HSE and Skoltech to Publish Book Series in Mathematics
Moscow Lectures, a new series of books in English, is set to be published by Springer Nature. The series is issued jointly by HSE and Skoltech, and its Editor-in-Chief is Alexey Gorodentsev, Professor at the HSE Faculty of Mathematics. Twelve volumes are currently in preparation and the first volume will be published at the beginning of June 2018. The series builds on the outstanding research and education in the field of mathematics in Moscow. It is aimed at graduate and undergraduate students, as well as lecturers and researchers, across the globe.
HSE Strengthens Partnerships with Italian Universities
On 19-23 February 2018 the HSE delegation headed by HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov made a grand tour in Italy visiting 7 partner universities in the North of Italy and meeting around 100 colleagues. HSE delegation members were honored to take part in theCeremony dedicated to 150th Anniversary of Ca' Foscari University of Venice [1] and official opening of the Academic Year 2017/2018 that was attended by Ca Foscari faculty staff and students, leaders of other local institutions and by the President of the Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella. Within the opening the HSE Rector took part in the academic procession together with Ca Foscari Rector Professor Michele Bugliesi and other 20 participants wearing their universities mantles including leaders of HSE partner universities such as Provost of University College London Professor Arthur, President of Korea University Professor Yeom, Rector of University of Naples Federico II Professir Manfredi, Rector of University of Bergamo Professor Pellegrini Morzenti and others.
[1] HSE cooperates with Ca Foscari University in Venice since 2012. As for now 16 students from Ca Foscari are on the exchange at HSE, and 18 HSE students study in Venice.
'I’ve Liked HSE and Moscow a Lot'
Carlos Cortez, a bronze medallist of the International Mathematical Olympiad (2011, 2012, 2013) and a Mathematics graduate of MIT, recently completed a two-month research internship at the HSE Faculty of Mathematics under the supervision of Professor Sergei Lando. He will soon be pursuing a Master’s degree at University Paris-Sud in France followed by a PhD at Northwestern University (USA). The research internship was made possible through a cooperation agreement between MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) and HSE.
HSE Helps Launch Poncelet Interdisciplinary Scientific Centre
On May 22, Russian and French scientists met in Moscow to sign an agreement to create the French-Russian Interdisciplinary Scientific Centre J.-V. Poncelet (ISCP), which the Higher School of Economics helped set up.
After Turning Down Offers in New York and Berlin, Chinese Student Pursues Mathematics Training at HSE
For DaoDao Yang, a native of Dali, China, choosing a programme in mathematics came down to the decision of where he felt most challenged and most comfortable. This ultimately meant turning down offers at New York University and the Berlin Mathematical School to accept an offer from the Master’s programme at the Higher School of Economics. In an extensive interview with the HSE news service, Dao Dao recently spoke about what led him to choose HSE for his postgraduate study; his impressions of the programme, its professors and his fellow students; and his future plans.
Higher Education in Russia and Beyond: From Russia with Math
The sixth issue of HERB dedicated to mathematics is now available. There are three sections in the issue. The first section is devoted to the analysis of mathematical education in the USSR and modern Russia, the second one features the career opportunities for those, who received mathematical education in Russia, and the third section describes the current situation with mathematics in universities.
'The Winter School Is What Led to My Firm Decision to Go to HSE'
On February 4-8 of next year, the Faculty of Mathematics is hosting a Winter School at Voronovo, a special conference centre in the Moscow region with lodging and recreational facilities.