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The nomination process for HSE Golden Award is currently underway. Afterwards, the Golden HSE jury comprising  representatives of all faculties, campuses and HSE Lyceum will select short-listed nominees in each category and determine the winners in Silver Nestling category. The winners in all other categories will be selected by Contest Committee. 
October 24, 2018
HSE Alumni Awards are given annually to outstanding HSE graduates in several categories. This year, HSE will recognize both graduates who have achieved professional success in business and civil service, and those who have contributed to the popularization of sports, media industry or development of charitable and socially important projects.
October 23, 2018
There are many strange things in the academic: scientists are researching street fighting math, porn studies, Harry Potter anthropology, and even queer death studies. But not all of these amazing research fields have been widely recognized. IQ.HSE and HSE Student Initiative Support Centre announce an essay competition for Bachelor’s, Master’s and doctoral students of all HSE campuses. 
October 18, 2018
Two students from the ‘Financial Technologies and Data Analysis’ master's programme, Nikita Churkin and Dmitry Simakov, took second place  and won 100,000 rupees (approximately 100,000 rubles) at the WNS Analytics Wizard international hackathon 2018, held on September 14-16. The competition was organised by the Indian platform Analytics Vidhuya (similar to the American Kaggle).
October 11, 2018
The Golden HSE is HSE’s main prize. HSE staff members nominate candidates, so the award provides the perfect opportunity to express our gratitude to colleagues and show appreciation for their work. The winners are also selected by HSE staff - the Jury and the Contest Committee. Here's what you need to do if you want your colleague or student to receive this award.
October 10, 2018
On the last week of September, two student projects, HSE App and #poboltaem? conversational club, raised 100% of HSEcoins they requested and can go forward to implement their ideas. Another four projects approached the ‘safety net’ limit of 70%, which guarantees financial support.
October 08, 2018
On October 9-11 ‘Open Your Eyes’, an HSE charity project, will be collecting items for 250 elderly people at a nursing home in Klin.
October 03, 2018
Each year HSE holds the Student Project Contest, which allows projects deemed important for the development of the university at least and all of society at most to receive financial, organisational, or any other type of support to help them succeed.
October 02, 2018
On September 10 - 15 Nada Matta, Professor at University of Technologies of Troyes (France), visited HSE Perm at the invitation of the ‘Business Informatics’ educational programme. She shared her impressions of the Perm campus and spoke about the prospects for cooperation between the universities in the near future.
September 28, 2018
Originally from Greece, Pános Kompatsiáris was attracted to join the Higher School of Economics because of the university’s reputation for exceptional working conditions and fostering career development. Having spent the last ten years in a variety of cities, including Edinburgh and Berlin, Professor Kompatsiáris brings his background in economics, cultural studies and art theory to his current position as Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design at HSE.
September 27, 2018
On September 22, 2018 the 'Clover' Green Festival was held at HSE Media Yard. HSE students and guests of the event brought clothes and batteries for recycling, exchanged books, drew their own prints on ecobags and took part in the ecoquest.
September 26, 2018
All students now have the opportunity to create their projects on the new HSE crowdfunding platform. HSEcoins, credited to all students on HSE Day, can be transferred to these projects.
September 21, 2018