Антидискриминационное регулирование в спорте
Курс по выбору (Международный спортивный менеджмент, маркетинг и право)
38.04.02. Менеджмент
Кто читает:
Высшая школа юриспруденции и администрирования
Где читается:
Высшая школа юриспруденции и администрирования
Формат изучения:
без онлайн-курса
Охват аудитории:
для своего кампуса
Прогр. обучения:
Международный спортивный менеджмент, маркетинг и право
Контактные часы:
Course Syllabus
The discipline considers signs of discrimination in the field of physical culture and sports. Specific examples of racial, gender, social and other types of discrimination are shown. The ways of solving the problem in further strengthening the inadmissibility of manifestation of any forms and signs of discrimination by international legal documents and obligations of all states are considered.
Learning Objectives
- The primary objective of this discipline is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of discrimination in sports and equip them with the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to combat and mitigate its impacts.
Expected Learning Outcomes
- Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the various forms of discrimination in sports, including racial, gender, religious, disability-based, and sexual orientation discrimination. They will acquire knowledge about the historical context of discrimination and the legal frameworks in place to combat it.
- Participants will develop an increased awareness of the impact of discrimination on athletes, coaches, officials, and fans. They will understand the negative consequences of discrimination and the importance of promoting inclusivity and diversity in the sporting world.
- Participants will acquire knowledge of national and international laws and policies related to anti-discrimination in sports. They will have a clear understanding of their rights and responsibilities in promoting and upholding anti-discrimination regulations.
- Participants will learn about successful initiatives and best practices in addressing discrimination in sports. They will gain the skills to implement these strategies in their own sporting organizations, clubs, or communities to create more inclusive and diverse environments.
- Participants will develop the skills to advocate for inclusivity and fight against discrimination in the sports industry. They will be equipped with the ability to raise awareness, influence policies, and promote positive change in their respective spheres of influence.
Course Contents
- Introduction
- Historical Context
- Anti-Discrimination Laws and Policies
- Forms of Discrimination in Sports
- Challenges and Controversies
- Successful Initiatives and Best Practices
Recommended Core Bibliography
- Дискриминация в социально-трудовых отношениях: экономико-институциональный аспект : автореф. дис. ... д-ра экон. наук : 08.00.05, Стукен, Т. Ю., 2009
- Дискриминация вне закона : сб. документов, , 2003
- Спортивное право : трудовые отношения в спорте: учебник для вузов, Алексеев, С. В., 2014
- Спортивное право России : учебник для магистров, , 2016
- Трудовое право России: совместительство : дифференциация или дискриминация?: моногр., Шишкин, В. В., 2012
Recommended Additional Bibliography
- Привилегии предприятиям : эффективная дискриминация или источник злоупотреблений?, Тонис, А. С., 2002
- Расизм, ксенофобия, дискриминация. Какими мы их увидели : Сб. статей, , 2013