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On June 16, 2014, the International Master in Comparative Social Research Open Day will be held at the HSE. The event is organized by the HSE Faculty of Sociology in Moscow and St. Petersburg together with the Laboratory of Comparative Social Research.
June 11, 2014
On May 23, 2014 HSE Perm’s Department of Foreign Languages announced the winners of its annual English language Olympiad for first-year students of all departments. The goal of the Olympiad was to identify students who have a deep knowledge of the subject.
May 29, 2014
Between May 26 and June 7 students can vote in the HSE annual election for best teachers of the academic year. This year not only students in Moscow but at the HSE St Petersburg can vote. So, what do you have to do to register your vote?
May 26, 2014
The annual contest ‘How I Decided to Come Study at the HSE’ has begun for students and alumni. Anyone who has ever been accepted into the bachelor’s, master’s or post-graduate programmes at the HSE or has attended classes as a visiting or exchange student is sure to recall their particular feelings, images and stories. This year, the contest is taking place for both written and visual submissions.
May 21, 2014
The HSE student club for extreme sports ‘X-Sport Club’ has been organizing joint trips for HSE students and staff members, as well as contests in winter and summer sports for 15 years now. Carrying on the tradition, the club is planning several trips for HSE students, lecturers and staff members this year. The programme includes surfing, kiting, wakeboarding, other sports, and popular out-door tourist activities.
May 15, 2014
On July 7-13 the Laboratory of Cultural Economics will hold an international summer school on ‘Impacts of Cultural Events on Small and Medium-size Art-oriented Towns’. Maria Dedova, Junior Research Fellow of the laboratory asked Valery Gordin, Head of the summer school to tell us about it.
May 12, 2014
The annual HSE Nizhny Novgorod Summer School of Russian Language and Culture has begun and this year eleven students from Brigham Young University (Utah) under the supervision of Jennifer Bown are taking part. The  students will be living with host families in Nizhny Novgorod and attending classes in Russian language, Russian national identity and concepts of Russian culture until June 12, 2014.
May 12, 2014
The ‘Russian Education 2014’ exhibition in New Delhi invites young Indians to study at the HSE and other Russian universities.
May 08, 2014
On April 17 th , 2014, the International Students Office together with AEGEE-Moskva, the European Students’ Forum representatives, gave a party for the HSE international students to get to know one another and Moscow and dismiss a few stereotypes. The location for the evening was  Jeffrey’s Coffee on Maroseyka St, founded not coincidentally by the HSE alumni.
May 02, 2014
On April 8th  the HSE Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge held an Open Day for the Master’s programme 'Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation'. The prospective students met the programme’s administrators, their future teachers, and possible employers: the presentation was attended by prominent members of the business community and government agencies.
April 24, 2014
A group of the students of the HSE Perm under the supervision of Aleksey Kamenskikh, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities, took part in an international student workshop ‘Colours in Art and Culture’ in Florence.
April 17, 2014
In March 2014 winners of the HSE Student Research Work 2013 Competition were given a week in the Netherlands. The HSE paid for 25 undergraduate and graduate students from nearly every faculty to go on the trip.
March 25, 2014